Welcome to the Podcast Episode 1 – Transcript

Introduction EP

Hello and welcome to the JobsxDesign podcast. My name is Jenna and I will be your host and partner as we talk about all the things that connect us in our career and journey. You may be asking yourself What is JobsxDesign? Jobsxdesign was created out of the need to bridge the gap between what we do and the careers we desire. I am interested in you, the creative talent, artist, worker and student. Who we are is just so much more than what we do, so let’s talk about it. The creative industry now has so many sectors and niche markets that sometimes its hard to figure out where exactly we fit in. There’s this need to explore but also in the vastness of the internet its important to at least sometimes narrow that down and explore our careers with purpose. So a little bit about me and my background before we jump right into it. As I said, my name is Jenna. I’ve been in the creative industry now for about 10 years. And in that time, I’ve explored print design, including screen printing and package design, illustration, motion graphics, broadcast design and template creation and transition into teaching after completing an MFA from SCAD. I’m currently both a designer and an adjunct faculty member, teaching design and visual communication while also building curriculum online.


So where do my passions lie? My passions live in all these places big and small within the design world but also in helping and giving a hand up to those exploring and navigating their careers. So through this podcast we’ll be speaking to you about many industry topics like interviewing better, design trends, changing jobs, continuing education and so much more. We’ll also be having conversations with others in the creative industry, talking about how they got their start and sharing what they’ve learned along the way. While we always encourage you to interact and engage with the content, I want you to get your ultimate value out of your time spent on the site and in listening to the podcast.

Here I’ll talk about being creative a lot or the term being “a creative” I’ll put that in air quotes from afar. And right from the get-go I want to put it out there that everyone is a creative. We all absolutely are and here’s why. While I know that being creative isn’t something everyone connects with ­–I’ve come to realize that creativity is expressed in so many ways that I truly don’t believe there is one person who hasn’t been creative in some aspect of their life. Creativity isn’t just about putting pen to paper or brush to board. Let’s think on this more. I’ve gone to many inter-departmental functions in the corporate sector and there’s an ice breaker right. It’s immediately a “creative” exercise. Now there will always be a few people that groan and say “but I’m not creative” or “I can’t draw.” And really, that is so far from the point. It’s not about the ability to draw or paint or anything but rather the action of our brain to think beyond, to challenge an initial notion and give it a twist. To look at one situation and realize that’s not the only way it can be done. We are all creative in this way that allows us to think on our feet, negotiate, become unlost or unstuck, and find a new thought or idea that takes our path into another way of thinking. I’m so into the idea that everyone is creative because I believe it. My parents did not come from art backgrounds and yet my dad is a retired engineer and now a creative baker and teacher. My mom is a nurse and constantly amazes me with her insight into how to physically help people. That is creative. We create what we live. We just need to turn the term on it’s head a little bit. As a child I always thought my grandma was an artist. I think that’s how I even described her to some of my friends. It turned out she just really enjoyed taking those painting classes where everyone paints the same picture. But she did it regularly and she loved it and that sparked other creative pursuits like making pins and baskets and holiday décor. She enjoyed being creative. You see, it’s really about a mindset than anything else. Now I imagine you as I do scrolling through my Instagram feed, looking at a picture, this brief snapshot and saying “wow that’s creative.” When who knows how many iterations there are of that out there but in that moment it struck a chord with us, made us see the beauty in something or be inspired.


I think what is less likely is that when we look at something we have done to say the same thing. Thinking wow that’s creative – of our own work. Yet it is within us and we are producing our lives everyday.


Still there seems to be this level of envy that comes sometimes when seeing another creative talent, invention or idea that on the flip side makes us say “why didn’t I think of that.” Or better yet why I am I not there doing that. That’s where we get caught. Between the idea and the action. Maybe social media is partially to blame or maybe it’s just the fact that it’s hard to find the time and energy to do the things we really want to do. It’s a combination of things I’m sure of, because I get caught there as well. And what I’ve learned is, there is no one person doing everything. Behind every picture is a person with a full life, and without sounding too cliché, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.  


There have been times where friends I knew who had the biggest jobs on paper were quite unhappy and friends that I knew that had been working for small unknown brands were very satisfied and fulfilled with their jobs. This is why job searching and even acquiring that job to lead us in our career path is a very personal thing. It is a journey all our own. So while I love sharing experiences and talking shop, there will never be one-size-fits-all-advice. It’s just not possible, because every person is not you.


I tend to think a lot about what it means to really enjoy your work and what you do since it is such a big part of our lives and I’ve come to terms with the fact that there are so many factors that go into it. It’s not just about the brand or your title. It’s about meshing well with the other personalities on your team. It’s questions like do you have flexible time off when you need it?  And factors such as how much support you have in your job by your boss and maybe the other external channels you work with. Meaning is it hard for you to get things done on a daily basis, or are you met with any resistance? There will always be these factors that have nothing to do with What you Do but they have everything to do with How you do it and what makes you happy. Just like other aspects of your life, it’s also true that what fulfills you now, may not do so in the future and a wonderful job could ultimately be something you grow out of and that’s ok too. Your career journey is your own and it always will be.


One of the things that sparked my interest in creating this podcast is that I love talking to people about their jobs to find out what they like and what they don’t, and what connects us all together. Sometimes I’m surprised to find out how even one small change can drastically change a job from day to day. There will always be surprises, but there will also always be moments where the ball is in our court and we have big decisions to make. Best life advice and job advice – enjoy the journey when you can and as much as you can. 


There is a book I’ve read and it’s not a promotion or ad but a true honest to goodness gave me happiness book called Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert – yes the same Elizabeth Gilbert that wrote Eat Pray Love and while this book is already four years old – oh my, it speaks to the creative soul in a way that I think we can all relate to and in many ways how I hope to continue to relate to all of you. If you haven’t had the chance to pick it up yet please do. It’s so good. And a goal of mine is to find more books like this that water my soul and give me that creative boost of energy for good. So if you have any of those that speak to you feel free to send them my way.


The creative culture we live in today changes so much daily. Which is why I know how easy it can be to get caught up in artificial brands, or bloggers or spaces that say they are this true authentic being but really just an ad for something else. But I strive for this place to become a place of great content that brings people joy and is a pleasure to listen to, sparks inspiration or a conversation or a thing that really matters to all of you. It’s hard to do. It’s hard to speak out loud and wonder will this resonate? But with time and effort and that attention to the listener (you) I think we can get there.


Along the way, I hope you get to know me as well and come to think of me as a friend. A friend that cheers you on and wants to help and genuinely cares about your passions and pursuits. There is never enough of that in the world. So on future episodes, when I talk about mentors and people in my life, know that it’s because I find these relationships so special and want you to have the same. I want you to feel supported and cared for and thought of. I want your job searches to feel like a code you’re trying to crack rather than an unpleasant puzzle with some pieces missing.


I think a lot of times we see these friends with those jobs that look picture perfect and immediately jump to “how do I get there” or “can you get me a job where you work” because I want the same. But the reality is, is that even if you took on the exact same job, it wouldn’t be the same for you. Because you’re you. And that doesn’t mean there isn’t something there for you but your experiences will be uniquely your own and your aspirations different as well.


So my advice on the surface is to try to not get too caught up in the journeys you see happening to others because we watch them everyday on social media. And digging deeper I want you to get caught up in your own journey. Maybe taking a class in something you have always wanted to start learning, or setting up a phone call with someone in the job or industry to hope to be in. Or just building friendships, because we can truly never have enough of those.  

There are always small steps we can be taking towards much larger goals, that if you started now, who knows where you could be even a year from today.


So I ask you to enjoy listening to the episodes that will be shared with my own journey as well as others, where I hope we can all relate and connect in some part to our creative selves.


That’s all the time I have today – looking forward to more time with each of you.




Jenna Palermo