Adobe Live Streaming

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For the last few weeks we have been sharing all of the free trainings and content that have been presented during quarantine. In addition to the Adobe Summit, there are also multiple Adobe Live sessions happening right now.

You can view the entire schedule and participate in sessions ranging from Design to Photography to UX/UI. It has been wonderful to see the amount of sharing that is happening during this time where we are all stuck inside but still wanting to connect with our communities.

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There has been so much engagement in the live chat features of the sessions and its another good way to connect with fellow designers. One of the many things I have been working on is continuing to follow up and reach out to designers over LinkedIn to keep the conversations going and hopefully make some more friendships within the design world. How have you been staying connected while staying inside?

In addition to the Live Summits and available content across platforms are there ones you have been tuning into the most? We have noticed a huge uptick in Instagram Lives, TikTok artists and new Podcasts.

Teaching classes and viewing classes has been part of my day to day routine and happy to share any helpful resources I come across as well as promoting the great work that is being created right now.

Feel free to share in the comments below!