Designer Book Bundle – 10 Days Left!

Hey all, I write this post with speed and urgency as I just recently noticed that you can get this Designer Book Bundle once again through Humble. The last time I saw this resource available was 2019 and it is a must have for your digital design library.

design books

Here are few details about what you get for this “Pay what you want” bundle. For $1 you will get two fabulous design books.

For $8 you will get 10 books and for $12 you will receive all 22 books as Digital Downloads. This is a small sampling of some of the books, but they list the entire collection on the site.

Get the collection here.

Once purchased, these books are made available as PDF, ePUB and MOBI files meaning you will be able to take them ANYWHERE you go. Another reason to love this deal (saves to iPad). I cannot wait to hear what you think of the bundle. I have no ties to this campaign and also do not profit in any way from your orders. I just saw this fantastic offer and had to share it with you. I do not know when it will be made available again.

A portion of the sales go to the Freedom of the Press Foundation charity.

As a designer, I can say I already own many of these books in print and if I have not already said it enough, this is a great deal. Let me know in the comments what you think!