Have you heard of MOOCs?

Right now we are experiencing the highest volumes of online learning. Whether it is through homeschooling, finishing up the year a University or doing a self-paced online study course there is a surge in the need to share and receive this learning while continuing to grow our understanding of engagement. While I have been teaching in the online space for just over 5 years, I have seen the evolution in LMS (Learning Management Systems) and how these tools play a valuable role in the teaching experience.

With the expansion of E-Learning has also come the growth of MOOCs. What are MOOCs? MOOCs are Massive Open Online Courses that are generally free and available for open enrollment. The space has grown through sites like EdX, Coursera and Udemy to name a few, but is continuing to grow significantly in higher education and skilled learning alike.

As we stay “Safer at Home” in the midst of the Coronavirus, being able to not only continue our education from enrolled programs but also continue to explore our interests or participate in cultural and arts programs has led to companies to understanding the need for MOOC sharing. 

One of the latest programs being offered is through MoMA (Musuem of Modern Art) in New York City. In this program offered through Coursera, you will be able to learn from curators, artists and designers while exploring the collection from MoMA at a deeper level. The program is an “at your own pace” structure meaning you can enroll and complete it at any time.



Courses include:

Fashion as Design

In the Studio: Postwar Abstract Painting

What is Contemporary Art?

Art & Ideas: Teaching with Themess

Art & Inquiry: Museum Teaching Strategies For Your Classroom

Seeing Through Photographs

Art & Activity: Interactive Strategies for Engaging with Art

Modern Art & Ideas


Have you been exploring any MOOCs? What are your thoughts on the culture shift in learning?


Would love to hear your feedback.