Posts tagged current
When “Operation Varsity Blues” speaks to a generation  

All over the news, you cannot miss the latest scandal “Operation Varsity Blues” that broke on Tuesday – naming approximately 50 individuals in the biggest college admissions cheating plot to date. With Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin being brought into the direct spotlight, the scandal unveils both bribery and test cheating ploys with large cash pay-outs. This enabled the children of celebrity and high net worth individuals to be admitted into the elite of elite colleges including Yale, Stanford, USC and others. Under the guise of false athletics, pay-offs for hired test-takers and falsified special needs reports for additional test time and privileges, the students involved were able to acquire admission into their selected (or rather their parents selected) Universities of study.

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What comes after #MeToo?

Let’s go back to 2017. Does it feel like a lifetime ago? Sometimes it does in our current political/social climate. So I’ve been thinking a lot lately, what comes after some of these movements? Do the words that start them fade away or do they do what we need them to do and absorb themselves into the system in a way in that changes things for the better?

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