Getting out of a bad first job

I am wondering the best way to transition out of not so great first job! I am a fresh college grad, and have been at my company for 4 months. I love my co workers and it have learned a lot at my company. Unfortunately, it was not in the industry I wanted to be in but I needed a job after college! Many people have told me to get out of the Healthcare industry because I will be type cast as a healthcare designer, and I don’t want that! I have also been kept at the office till at least 10 or 11pm most nights for the past 2 months! I am looking for advice on how to get out and finding something in a more creative industry!

Thank you!

Dear GettingOut,

First of all, let me say I have been there. While my first job had it’s similar bonuses (good coworkers– one I still keep in touch with almost ten years later), I realized quickly that I was not going to hit my full potential with this position. If you know after four months that this is ultimately not for you – that’s honestly a good thing. Some people wait and wait and then 10 years go by and they feel as though they can’t leave anymore. Remind yourself you always have options. If you want to pivot from Healthcare design then I would start exploring the areas and fields or just specific companies that interest you. Start looking towards jobs that will help grow you as the designer you want to be as well as give you opportunities for the future or your next position. It is 100% ok to have a stepping stone job right out of school. While I know that a lot of work done in the Healthcare sector is protected from being shared online – do you have any pieces that can help you update your portfolio? I would make every effort on your part to be prepared to make a move when the time is right.

In terms of your current hours – are you being compensated for this time or are you a salaried employee? Something’s got to give there and you may need to have a frank discussion with your manager or supervisor about project delegation and assignments. I would be curious – is every designer in the group working this late? While all industries have their differences, do not let someone convince you that it is okay to be taken advantage of in this way.

We are posting new jobs to our board based on positions that we feel are with worthwhile brands and good experiences for designers. I would encourage you to keep an eye out there as well as start up a list of what you would consider your top jobs to start searching. We’re here for you!

Jenna Palermo