Out of State Jobs

Dear JobArtist

What’s the best practice to go about getting an out of state job lined up?


Out of State

Dear Out of State,

This is a tricky one as some employers can see it as a challenge to relocate individuals especially if they do want an immediate hire. My advice would actually be to not lead with the fact that you are out of state or have a longer timeline to begin with the company. Let them bring it up if it appears to be issue. I would instead just focus on landing the job. On your end, try to focus on why the position is a great fit for you, how your skillsets align with the company priorities and what makes you an ideal candidate for their team. 

In my experiences, sometimes it has taken months to complete the hiring process between needing background checks, multiple interviews and coordination with an HR department and various business entities. So go in thinking about how to get the job and let the logistics be a secondary factor. 

So if you think the job is the right fit for you – say yes to all questions about your candidacy. If they wanted to hire someone yesterday remember, any candidate will have a process for hire even if they are local. I would sooner tell them you will do your best to start as soon as possible but you will need time to move and wrap things up on your end. If they cannot be understanding towards your needs they may not be the best long-term fit for you. 

Also– take a chance at looking for companies who do offer benefits such as relocation as well as other perks such as travel, time-off and well-being subsidies. 

Jenna Palermo