Publications – What format is best?

Hey Job Artist,

We're currently debating over the format to use for the launch of our new industry magazine. Were torn between digital publishing, print publishing, or article/blog style publishing. 


Dear Great Debate,

What to do – what to do? My first question would be what is your industry magazine? Since you are over here on our site I’m going to assume it is related to the creative industry. With that, how exciting! My second question would be the grandest of them all – Who is your audience?? Once you dial that in, or if you already have a built in audience, analyze them. Who are they? What makes them tick? Do they already read content from you in a certain kind of way? How is that working out? Are you looking to increase viewership? We all are – but what does that mean for distribution?

It is unfortunate, but there are many print publications that aren’t making it. That does not mean this will not be your direction, but it is good to be mindful of the overall market and where eyes are following.

I would draw into a focus of how your readers/viewers best digest content. Is it a lot of short-form content or do you thrive on long articles/pieces? Do you develop any video content? Do you have plans to in the future?

Is there a social media marketing strategy in place? If you already have followers online – try putting out a poll to your readers. Get them excited for your publication and make sure they feel like a part of it. Maybe you can even promote some offerings or incentives for those who subscribe/sign up early. There are many ways to go about it but I would start with the questions and then lead from your answers.