Grumpy Boss

Dear JobArtist,

I have a grumpy boss. I know this sounds silly, but day in and day out the grumblings, the thoughts, and the words of my boss are all just bringing me down. I can’t imagine it’s impacting anyone else differently and while I want to say something I can’t! It’s my boss. I don’t think it will be received well. What do I do?

– Always Grumpy

Dear Always Grumpy,

Any questions that deal with personality or attitude can be tricky ones to address and here’s why – there’s usually more to the story. Typically if someone is in a bad mood everyday, there is something else festering or a long drawn out issue whether it be personal or professional that has just never gone away. There might not be much you can do except attack it with the only antidote and that’s heaping scoops of positivity. Think Mary Poppins and sing a song in your head to help yourself realize that a job needs to get done and there can still be that “element of fun.” While it might not be easy to always go full-out Disney, I don’t think it hurts (if the timing and place is right) to ask your boss if everything is okay. Typically if you approach someone with a question they might be able to think on this outward projection a bit more.

Do your best to continue to be your best self in the work environment, but also tread lightly on this one. Bringing it up to others could feel like gossip and bringing it up to a higher level in the company could pose difficulties as well. Remember that regardless of the situation you have the ability to control you and you alone. So while this type of attitude can be contagious, try not to catch it!

Jenna PalermoComment