Help! I have to do an interview over Skype

Dear JobArtist,

I have to do an interview over Skype and I'm nervous that my personality and presentation is going to be limited. What can I do to prepare and even better, how do I ease my nerves before and during the interview? 

Needing the calm,



Dear Namasteinbed,

Prepping for an interview can be nerve-racking in general so I hear you – prepping for something where you are not there physically can pose it's own set of challenges. Speaking from experience, there are a few really valuable preparation tools you can use that will help you remain confident during your big day. First, plan where you will set up your Skype call. Try to avoid anywhere with noisy backgrounds like coffee-shops. If you are home try not to set up your call where you will be too casual. Make sure that whatever will be behind you during the call has a neutral background without any distracting elements. Double check lighting. Make sure you are set up in a well-lit space. Remember that even though you will be in your comfortable space that you are well-dressed (as if you were going in for the interview in person), sitting up straight, or practice standing if that makes you feel more confident. Practice giving a short intro about yourself in front of a mirror or to a trusted friend/family member. You may also want to go through other possible questions you will have for your interviewer beforehand. I recommend jotting down your thoughts/questions on a pad of paper before the interview. Keep that paper in front of you during your interview in case you lose track of your thoughts or want to write down something that is said during your interview. One thing that I write on top of my notepad before an online interview is "Smile." This reminds me to smile while I'm talking and especially if there is no video and just audio– a smile greatly improves your presentation tone. You may also choose to write yourself a word or phrase of encouragement like "You got this," or simply "Get this job." It may sound cheesy but setting your mind up for the success of your interview could greatly improve your mindset and ease your nerves. 

During your interview remember to make eye contact, be enthusiast and present yourself professionally. And in case no one has told you today, you got this! 

Jenna Palermo