Where is the best place to find a job?

Dear JobArtist,

Time is precious and I want to target my job search. Where is the best place to look for a job and what other tips and tricks do you have for searching?


Searching for the best thing

Dear Searcher,

Wow! This is a tricky question and I'll explain why. Just as we all have different ways of eating and exercising and spending our free time we all also have different ways of job searching. However, the key is consistency. Even if you do not want to spend 8 hours a day looking for your next job you should make it a plan to devote dedicated time to your search. With that, I would even recommend beginning your search off the computer. Make a list of your dream employers. Then make a list of your areas of expertise and skill sets. Start putting together the pieces of what type of job aligns with your skills and interests. Then start to research and explore company culture, benefits and salary ranges. If you can break your search up into sections you'll find the process much less daunting. There are no secret sites or magic tricks. Just good old fashioned hard work. However, feel free to check out our featured jobs and posts here. (shameless plug) All of our postings will take you directly to the employer's site. No more getting your resume lost out in cyberspace! 

Jenna Palermo